5 Indonesian Spices, Some Can Lower Cholesterol!
Indonesian spices have long been known to have a variety of benefits, ranging from flavoring dishes to maintaining a healthy body.
As one of the world’s well-known spice producers, Indonesia has a variety of unique spices.
Indonesian spices have benefits both in terms of economy and health. Many of these spices contain compounds that can help maintain a healthy body.What are the benefits of typical Indonesian spices? The following is a list of 5 spices that are efficacious for maintaining a healthy body from the Spice Line Instagram of the Ministry of Education and Research and Technology.
Turmeric has long been used by Indonesian people as a cooking spice to traditional ingredients.
This spice contains the compound curcumin which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Even the efficacy of this compound can be juxtaposed with other anti-inflammatory drugs.
In addition to being anti-inflammatory, curcumin can help increase the body’s anti-oxidant enzymes and fight oxidative damage.
According to a study from Brain Research, this compound can be used to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, improve brain function, and relieve arthritis.
The benefits of typical Indonesian spices are then contained in ginger. One type of family medicinal plant (toga) is often brewed and drunk to warm the body.
In addition to warming the body, ginger is also able to relieve nausea. Nausea caused by morning sickness, motion sickness or sea, and chemotherapy can be relieved with one gram of ginger.
Amazingly, according to Cancer Prebention Research (Phila) consuming 2 grams of ginger extract per day can prevent colon inflammation.
Free radicals can cause various serious diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
Nutmeg contains antioxidants and antidepressants which are needed to fight excessive free radicals and trigger cell damage.
In addition to cinnamon, cloves are also a spice commonly used to add flavor to sweet dishes or cakes. Cloves have a small form and are usually added to compote or nastar drinks.
Although small, this spice has a myriad of properties that are good for the body. Cloves have a fairly complete nutritional content, namely minerals, vitamins, and fiber.
In 1 teaspoon of cloves there are 21 calories, 1 gram of carbohydrates, vitamin E, 30 percent of the daily need for manganese, 3 percent of the daily need for vitamin C, 4 percent of the daily need for vitamin K, magnesium, calcium, protein, and fat.
Not only these nutrients, cloves also contain eugenol compounds which are efficacious as natural antioxidants.